Monday, April 07, 2008

Linux & Windows XP di ULPC/UMPC dan MIDs

Seperti yang telah diketahui oleh publik, Microsoft akan menghentikan penjualan retail Windows XP pada 30 Juni ini. Namun untuk system builder/OEM, Windows XP masih dapat digunakan hingga 31 Januari 2009. Kalimat terakhir di atas berlaku hanya untuk Windows XP Home Edition bagi perluan para pembuat ULPC (Ultra Low-Cost PC) (1). Selebihnya para pengguna maupun OEM untuk "normal" PC, dipaksa untuk jualan Windows Vista yang sangat berat, mahal dan rakus resource itu. Jadi no more preload Windows XP untuk pc/laptop "plain-vanilla" yang diproduksi setelah bulan Juni nanti.(1)

Kenapa hanya Windows XP Home Edition yang diperpanjang "hidup"nya?
Seperti yang telah di singgung, Windows XP Home Edition ini lebih ditujukan untuk para system builder/OEM ULPC. Contohnya adalah Asus eeePC dan Intel Classmate (Zyrex Ubud/Axioo Classmate). Windows XP pro apa lagi Vista (edisi apapun itu) terasa amat sangat berat untuk dipaksakan di install di ULPC. Alih-alih ULPC nya berjalan dengan normal, bisa "hidup" ajah dah harus bersyukur deh :) Maka dari itu, vendor ULPC rata-rata menggunakan Linux untuk mengeluarkan kemampuan maksimal dari ULPC-ULPC produksi mereka tersebut. (2) Dan yang bisa "digunakan" di ULPC saat ini hanyalah Windows XP Home Edition (itupun perlu tweaking habis-habisan jika ingin performa maksimal) (2). Ms juga tidak ingin kehilangan pasar dan babak belur oleh Linux di sektor ini.

Mengapa vendor ULPC menggunakan Linux?
Salah satu sebabnya sudah dibahas di atas, masalah performa. Ms belum mempunyai sebuah versi yang customizable, yang dapat di-strip seringan mungkin untuk dapat berjalan di resource yang sangat terbatas. Satu-satunya versi paling "ringan" saat ini .... ya WinXP Home Edition itu.

Di sini lain, Linux bisa dibilang sangat sukses di pasar ini. Rata-rata produsen ULPC (Asus, Everex, Axioo) pasti menggunakan Linux sebagai OS. Tapi "banyak" pengguna yang menanyakan versi XP Asus eeepc, seperti yang saya lihat sendiri di salah satu pameran komputer Maret 2008 kemarin. Yah ada versi Windowsnya sih, pake WinXP Home ... versi home ini emang akan memuaskan pemakai kelas "rumahan" (home), tapi sedikit yang tahu di antara mereka kalau XP Home ini useless untuk keperluan bisnis. Contoh jelasnya adalah by default kita dapat menggunakan XP Pro di network bisnis, tapi tidak dengan XP Home. Dengan Linux, user akan mendapatkan kemampuan kelas enterprise untuk ULPC/UMPC miliknya. Hal yang tidak bisa dipenuhi oleh WinXP Home saat ini. (3) (4)

Kemudian dari sisi harga.
Yang namanya Ultra Low Cost PC (ULPC, bukan UMPC) pasti haruslah murah. ULPC diawali dengan ide OLPC (One Laptop PerChild) yang digagas oleh MIT Media Library Januari 2005 lalu. Mereka memulai penelitian untuk dapat membuat laptop seharga $100. Walo ide ini agak-agak "mustahil" dari sisi bisnis, tapi bukti bahwa Asus eeepc sukses di pasar dengan harga di sekitaran $300 menunjukkan bahwa hal ini bukan sekedar impian. Nah kalo menggunakan Windows? Harga retail Win XP Home Edition untuk pasar Indonesia adalah $198 (bhinneka), $87 (, $86 (  Buset, bhinneka kok malah benernya? Mereka ngantuk lupa update pricelist atau emang markup harganya gila-gilaan seperti itu. Anyway, yang jelas harga WinXP Home Edition berkisar sekitar 800-900 rb. Segitu uang yang dapat kamu hemat.

Yang sedang ngetren di pasar saat ini tidak hanya ULPC, tapi ada satu teknologi yang naik daun yang disebut sebagai "Mobile Internet Device' (MID). Dengan Linux, ULPC dan MID tersebut akan mempunyai kemampuan level enterprise untuk memanfaatkan kerja menggunakan jaringan. Ironisnya, UMPC/MID yang menggunakan Linux akan bekerja jauh lebih baik dengan  Active Directory-nya Microsoft dibandingankan dengan WinXP Home  editionnya :P

Di Intel Developer Forum (IDF) yang diadakan di Shanghai (doh pingin ke sana lagi) awal April ini, Intel memperkenalkan prosesor Atom yang sangat cocok untuk MID. Intel Atom ini "hanya" menggunakan daya sebesar  2.4 watt dibandingkan prosesor laptop yang ada di pasaran saat ini yang rata-rata mengkonsumsi 35 watt. Katanya sih, Intel Atom ini mampu bekerja pada clock 1.8GHz. Dan jika dipasangin Linux, MID ini bisa "kencang" kerjanya. Beberapa vendor hardware dikabarkan akan memasarkan MID Atom dengan bundel Ubuntu atau Red Flag Linux di dalamnya. Contohnya adalah Aigo, Asus, BenQ, Clarion, Compal, Elektrobit, Lenovo, LG, Panasonic dan Toshiba. Mungkin juga Lenovo.

Menurut Patrick G. Ward dari Intel, Linux sangat cocok dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan perangkat MID baik dari sisi fungsi-fungsi dasar, power management, fleksibilitas, performansi dan tentunya harga. Intel sendiri bekerja sama dengan beberap ISV dan perusahaan software untuk mengoptimasi core Linux dan aplikasi-aplikasinya agar dapat lebih optimal lagi digunakan di MID. (5)

Namun untuk kelas PC standar, Linux memang masih agak sulit untuk meredam XP. Karena di pangsa pasar ini, lawan Linux bukanlah Vista, melainkan Windows XP. Yah karena secara tidak langsung, dengan kebutuhan resource yang sebegitu besarnya, Microsoft sendiri sudah mulai pesimis dengan pasar Vista. (6) Vista sepertinya juga agak susah untuk diterima di kalangan koporat karena biasanya migrasinya yang sangat besar. Tidak hanya beli lisensinya saya, tapi juga keperluan untuk upgrade hardware yang sangat ekstrim.

*kembali ngutak-atik Mac* :D



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wired pussy -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
anarchy archives -
ass like that -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed cornholes -
creamed feet -
deep in her -
drool my load -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gag sluts -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
my favorite creampies -
naughty best friends -
nut in her mouth -
pigtails round asses -
pop porno -
porn jackass -
real big racks -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
stink fillers -
teen slam -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
anarchy archives -
ass like that -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed cornholes -
creamed feet -
deep in her -
drool my load -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gag sluts -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
my favorite creampies -
naughty best friends -
nut in her mouth -
pigtails round asses -
porn jackass -
real big racks -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
stink fillers -
teen slam -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
nut in her mouth -
porn jackass -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
top notch bitches -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
wired pussy -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
nut in her mouth -
porn jackass -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
top notch bitches -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
wired pussy -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
altered assholes -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
nut in her mouth -
pov pervert -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
top notch bitches -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
altered assholes -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
nut in her mouth -
pov pervert -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
top notch bitches -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
adult dating friends -
adult love line -
adult singles zone -
altered assholes -
amateur match -
asian amateur match -
asian love line -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
cam club -
chix in the mix -
college party dates -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
ebony love line -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gay amateur match -
hog tied -
i want u -
latin love line -
lonely wifes dating club -
man hookups -
meat members -
nuts on sluts -
penetration tease -
pov pervert -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sex search -
sleep assault -
spread 4 u -
top notch bitches -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
wild hot dates -
adult dating friends -
adult love line -
adult singles zone -
altered assholes -
amateur match -
asian amateur match -
asian love line -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
cam club -
chix in the mix -
college party dates -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
ebony love line -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gay amateur match -
hog tied -
i want u -
latin love line -
lonely wifes dating club -
man hookups -
meat members -
nuts on sluts -

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spanked and abused -
stink fillers -
tease it out -
tranny rach -
ultimate surrender -
water bondage -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
young ripe and ready -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
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euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
all star porn girls -
anal lick fest -
ass like that -
bang bus -
black attack gangbang -
cream filled babes -
deep in her -
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fucking machines -
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gag sluts -
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men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
my favorite creampies -
my wifes friends -
naughty best friends -
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pigtails round asses -
pop porno -
pvc and latex -
real big racks -
sapphic erotica -
spanked and abused -
stink fillers -
tease it out -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
water bondage -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
young ripe and ready -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
big cock teen addiction -
anal lick fest -
ass like that -
bang bus -
black attack gangbang -
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fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gagging whores -
gag sluts -
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men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
my favourite creampies -
naughty best friends -
no cum dodging allowed -
pigtails round asses -
pimp juice xxx -
pop porno -
pvc and latex -
real big racks -
sapphic erotica -
spanked and abused -
stink fillers -
tease it out -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
water bondage -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
young ripe and ready -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
big cock teen addiction -
anal lick fest -
ass like that -
bang bus -
black attack gangbang -
cream filled babes -
deep in her -
drool my load -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gagging whores -
gag sluts -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
my favorite creampies -
naughty best friends -
no cum dodging allowed -
pigtails round asses -
pimp juice xxx -
pop porno -
pvc and latex -
real big racks -
sapphic erotica -
spanked and abused -
stink fillers -
tease it out -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
water bondage -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
young ripe and ready -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
big league facials -
anal lick fest -
ass like that -
bang bus -
black attack gangbang -
cream filled babes -
deep in her -
drool my load -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gagging whores -
gag sluts -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
my favourite creampies -
naughty best friends -
no cum dodging allowed -
pigtails round asses -
pimp juice xxx -
pop porno -
pvc and latex -
real big racks -
sapphic erotica -
spanked and abused -
stink fillers -
teen slam -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
water bondage -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
young ripe and ready -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
big league facials -
anal lick fest -
ass like that -
bang bus -
black attack gangbang -
cream filled babes -
deep in her -
drool my load -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gagging whores -
gag sluts -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
my favorite creampies -
naughty best friends -
no cum dodging allowed -
pigtails round asses -
pimp juice xxx -
pop porno -
pvc and latex -
real big racks -
sapphic erotica -
spanked and abused -
stink fillers -
teen slam -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
water bondage -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
young ripe and ready -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
big tit patrol -
anarchy archives -
ass like that -
bang bus -
black attack gangbang -
creamed cornholes -
creamed feet -
deep in her -
drool my load -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gag sluts -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
my favourite creampies -
naughty best friends -
no cum dodging allowed -
pigtails round asses -
pimp juice xxx -
pop porno -
pvc and latex -
real big racks -
sapphic erotica -
spanked and abused -
stink fillers -
teen slam -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
whipped ass -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
big tit patrol -
anarchy archives -
ass like that -
bang bus -
black attack gangbang -
creamed cornholes -
creamed feet -
deep in her -
drool my load -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gag sluts -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
my favorite creampies -
naughty best friends -
no cum dodging allowed -
pigtails round asses -
pimp juice xxx -
pop porno -
pvc and latex -
real big racks -
sapphic erotica -
spanked and abused -
stink fillers -
teen slam -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
whipped ass -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
casting couch teens -
anarchy archives -
ass like that -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed cornholes -
creamed feet -
deep in her -
drool my load -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gag sluts -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
my favorite creampies -
naughty best friends -
nut in her mouth -
pigtails round asses -
pop porno -
porn jackass -
real big racks -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
stink fillers -
teen slam -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
casting couch teens -
anarchy archives -
ass like that -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed cornholes -
creamed feet -
deep in her -
drool my load -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gag sluts -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
my favorite creampies -
naughty best friends -
nut in her mouth -
pigtails round asses -
porn jackass -
real big racks -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
stink fillers -
teen slam -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
college teens book bang -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
nut in her mouth -
porn jackass -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
top notch bitches -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
wired pussy -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
college teens book bang -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
nut in her mouth -
porn jackass -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
top notch bitches -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
wired pussy -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
giants black meat white treat -
altered assholes -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
nut in her mouth -
pov pervert -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
top notch bitches -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
giants black meat white treat -
altered assholes -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
blowjob quickies -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
men in pain -
mother daughter fuck -
nut in her mouth -
pov pervert -
sapphic erotica -
sleep assault -
top notch bitches -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
2 chicks 1 dick -
big sausage pizza -
cheerleader auditions -
eat my black meat -
euro bride tryouts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf cruiser -
teen hitchhikers -
hrony spanish flies -
adult dating friends -
adult love line -
adult singles zone -
altered assholes -
amateur match -
asian amateur match -
asian love line -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
cam club -
chix in the mix -
college party dates -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
ebony love line -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gay amateur match -
hog tied -
i want u -
latin love line -
lonely wifes dating club -
man hookups -
meat members -
nuts on sluts -
penetration tease -
pov pervert -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sex search -
sleep assault -
spread 4 u -
top notch bitches -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
wild hot dates -
horny spanish flies -
adult dating friends -
adult love line -
adult singles zone -
altered assholes -
amateur match -
asian amateur match -
asian love line -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
bang bus -
cam club -
chix in the mix -
college party dates -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
ebony love line -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gay amateur match -
hog tied -
i want u -
latin love line -
lonely wifes dating club -
man hookups -
meat members -
nuts on sluts -
penetration tease -
pov pervert -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sex search -
sleep assault -
spread 4 u -
top notch bitches -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
wild hot dates -
i spy camel toe -
adult dating friends -
adult love line -
adult singles zone -
altered assholes -
amateur match -
asian amateur match -
asian love line -
bang bus -
banzai sluts -
cam club -
chix in the mix -
college party dates -
creamed feet -
cum farters -
ebony love line -
facial cum targets -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gay amateur match -
hog tied -
i want u -
latin love line -
lonely wifes dating club -
man hookups -
midnight prowl -
nuts on sluts -
penetration tease -
pov pervert -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sex search -
sleep assault -
spread 4 u -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
wild hot dates -
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adult dating friends -
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adult singles zone -
altered assholes -
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bang bus -