Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Upcoming v3.0

I was trying to send MMS about Indonesian Playboy Magazine couple days ago. Normally, the MMS would appear in this blog as a new entry. You can see my previous MMS post below. It did not appear and I also received no SMS notification.
Eww, somethin's gone wrong...
Try to login to and then I found the cause why my mms post did not appear in my blog. It was because I have migrate my old blogger account to the new one (using Google account). Aaarrggghhh, I forgot 'bout it. Now, I'm reading all documentation I could found (via google, of course) to develop new version to accommodate this condition. New version will use Google Data (GData) API instead of Blogger API or Atom API which are being used in my application.
Hmm, no more Gundam for this weekend....

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