Thursday, April 12, 2007

Shenzhen The Series: Day #4

MU 7 - 1 Roma (8-3)
Valencia 1 - 2 Chelsea (2-3)

MU will meet either Milan/Bayern, Chelsea will face Liverpool/PSV.

Well, class today was about SIGTRAN and M3UA. Nice topic (refer to yesterday post :P ). Class finished on 12.00. On 2pm we had a visit to ZTE HQ along with another trainees from other countries. There, we're shown about ZTE market, their products from handset into next generation network. Short trip to the factory and so on. After 1 hour visit, next destination was Hua Qiang Bei.

This what I hate when travelling (in Indonesia we call it 'klayapan') downtown with too many people (8 men 2 ladies). Disaster... I think i wont go anywhere again except with only 4 people. And not with the ladies.

Rara is a very good example for a cooperative travel mate. She's easy going, no complicated mind when going to certain place. Unlike this ladies, full of mumbling and so on and so on.

Hours in Hua Qiang Bei we, in this case was me, spent for nothing except sitting on the KFC and waiting for a minivan which bring us back to the university.

I failed to get Agus Suyanto's monopod and some IT stuff I've planned with Aang to find.

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